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  • A Message from the Board of Trustees

    The natural world is waking up after a long sleep, ready to bloom and grow; this is an apt metaphor for the rhythm of our schools and buildings at any time of the year. Students and staff learn and grow together while being supported, encouraged, and nurtured toward success. 

    With the passing of the budget for 2024-2025, your school board continues to look ahead, preparing, planning, and having the necessary conversations to ensure our learners thrive and our community flourishes. Feedback from the community is welcome and valued on any aspect of our work. 

    We recognize that the volunteer efforts of parents and guardians in LRSD schools play a huge role in supporting school communities. Thank you for the gifts of your time, energy, and talent. 

    We wish you an enjoyable spring break.

    Darlene Gerrior, Pamela Kolochuk, Sandy Nemeth, Irene Nordheim, Ryan Palmquist, Chris Sigurdson, Chipalo Simunyola, & Cindy Turner